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2019 Annual PTSC Meeting Notes Published

Notes from the 2019 Annual PIT Tag Steering Committee Meeting have been published.

IS1001-MTS Firmware Update Recommended by Biomark

Biomark has released a notice recommending that all users of the IS1001-MTS (Master Controller) update the firmware to v1.6.4

PIT Tag Reader Loaner Program

PTAGIS and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) are pleased to announce the start of a PIT tag reader loaner program to help make modern PIT tag readers available to BPA funded Fish and Wildlife projects at reduced costs.

Draft PIT Tag Data Specification Published

A new draft of the PIT Tag Data Specification has been published for review by the PTAGIS community.

P4 Version 1.22 Released

P4 version 1.22 is now available for download from the P4 software page.

PIFF Version 2.6 Released

PIFF version 2.6 can be downloaded from the PIFF 2 page. This is a small update that improves error reporting and is intended to assist those having upload issues with troubleshooting.

Update to FS2001F Safety Issue

Please read this important technical bulletin from Biomark regarding the FS2001 safety issue that was reported last week.

FS2001F Portable Reader (aka Cheeseblock) Safety Issue

An FS2001F reader exploded most likely due to ignition of gas resulting from corrosion of the battery.

P4 Version 1.21 Now Available

A new version of P4 is available to download.