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Version 1.34

Released 12/07/2022

  • Updated libraries to address crashes on Windows 11 and other unhandled exceptions
  • SQL Server Express 2014 upgrade to Service Pack 3
  • Added support for Biomark Electronic Measuring Board

Version 1.33

Released 01/05/2021

  • Fixed bug in the Update From Session and Update from Tag List features that prevented sessions from being searched.
  • SQL Server Express 2014 now includes Service Pack 2, which supports TLS 1.2. When upgrading an existing installation of P4, SQL Server Express will be upgraded to Service Pack 2 in place. When installing P4 for the first time, SQL Server Express will be installed with Service Pack 2.
  • The installer will now check to see if the computer needs to be rebooted before running the prerequisites portion of the setup.

Version 1.32

Released 11/12/2020

  • Updated RKM Ext field to accept values over 999 km.
  • The fields that can be appended to now include all Project Defined Fields and the Stock and Raceway fields. See the help topic Field Update Types for more information.
  • Standardized how appending works across P4 so that the new appended value is added to the original value without a space between, except for the Conditional Comments, Detail Note and Text Comments fields. See the help topic Field Update Types for more information.
  • Improved Session validation error messages triggered by Custom Validation.
  • Added title to the P4 window that displays the application name and version number in the upper left corner of the P4 application and in the Windows 10 taskbar.
  • Updated the P4 setup to log the key that triggers a pending reboot installation failure.
  • Updated Configuration Tools export to properly export settings related to the Scale ID field.

Version 1.31

Released 04/13/2020

  • Fixed bug that caused import of P3 files to fail if they contained a Detail Note value with more than 200 characters. Instead of failing, the user will be warned that the value will be truncated to 200 characters instead.
  • Improved error messages when attempting to import values that exceed the field character length from a CSV file.

Version 1.30

Released 03/04/2020

  • Implemented new ZZZ license that works when FIPS is enabled
  • Implemented Advanced Installer check for pending reboot
  • Implemented different method for recording and setting main window size and position in attempt to fix P4 startup bug
  • Warning that only one instance of P4 can run at a time now displays on top of all other windows
  • Fixed bug with duplicate mark record handler in data entry

Version 1.29

Released 02/28/2020

Test release

  • Disabled splash screen
  • Disabled setting and recording of main window size and position

Version 1.28

Released 12/06/2019

  • Updated Session Join feature to pass Legacy File name to the joined session
  • Fixed a bug related to importing delimited files with delimiters other than comma, tab and semicolon

Version 1.27

Released 11/18/2019

  • Improved support for digital calipers (allow values preceded by a plus sign)

Version 1.26

Released 09/18/2019

  • Added support for multiple HPR USB devices to be used during a tag session.
  • Added lock to PIT Tag field in data entry. The PIT tag field will not accept input after a tag is scanned until it is unlocked by clicking on it.
  • Added support for setting a temporary repeating value during data entry. This feature allows the user to create a temporary repeating value, based on the current record, for use until the tag session is closed or the temporary repeating value is cleared.
  • Added support for restoring P4 backups from earlier version.
  • Added check of PIT tag code to session validation.
  • Fixed a bug related to duplicate tag handling during data entry.
  • Fixed bug related to the Conditional Comments field during data entry.
  • Added support for installing P4 into folder with a single quote in the folder name.
  • Changed how Life Stage is set when importing P3 files with a Conditional Comment code of PR; used to set it to Adult, now does not set the field.
  • Added warning to session validation if Event Type = Mark, but a Conditional Comment indicates a different type of event (e.g. RE, M, etc.).
  • Updated configuration import to check for and correct Input Device mask from earlier version of P4.

Version 1.25

Released 05/15/2019

  • Fixed bug related to adding new Configuration Tools generating a primary key constraint violation

Version 1.24

Released 04/19/2019

  • Added option to the Profile to enable the user to be prompted to update Repeating Values when creating or opening a session in Data Entry
  • Changed formula used to calculate Condition Factor for lamprey species
  • Length values in Passive Recapture events will no longer be ignored (added to support equipment that can obtain length without handling of fish)
  • Improved how weights are handled when sent to P4 from an Input Device
  • Fixed bugs related to importing configurations that replaced existing Profiles
  • Improved handling of database connection errors
  • Improved handling of corrupt user configuration files

Version 1.23

Released 03/06/2019

Internal test release only

Version 1.22

Released 09/28/2018

  • Added support for external GPS unit to automatically enter lat/long coordinates during data entry.
  • Changed Dot-out Records from Tag List to Update Records from Tag List (available under Manage on main dashboard). This tool can now be used to update all records that match the tag codes in the selected Tag Lists using a Repeating Value. Matching records can still be dotted out using this tool.
  • Added option to automatically refresh Submission Status in Session Management
  • Added other duplicate types to the Dot-out all but First/Last Duplicates feature in Record Management. This feature previously only worked for Mark Duplicates, but now works for Recapture Duplicates, Recovery Duplicates, and Passive Recapture Duplicates.
  • Added check upon startup that the SQL Server service is running.
  • Enhanced how record format errors are handled when downloading a buffer or testing the connection of a tag reader device.
  • Fixed bug related to using the Session field in Custom Validation
  • Fixed bug related to importing a P4 file that has a record with a null PIT tag
  • Fixed bug related to missing Audible Alert sound files
  • Fixed bug that caused changes to the Enter Location Coordinates from Reader setting in Repeating Values to not be saved

Version 1.21

Released 05/14/2018


  • Added Startup and Shutdown message to log table
  • Fixed bug related to editing Conditional Comments field wherever it appeared in a grid - Repeating Values, Record Management, Current Record Value in Data Entry, Tag Actions.
Data Entry
  • Added History panel to Data Entry - allows viewing of records in the current session in a table
  • Fixed bug related to restoring the state of panels in Data Entry
  • Implemented method to apply tag actions to imported data
  • Fixed bug related to importing CSV files with special characters in column headers
Query Management
  • Updated Query Management to better handle 'Contains' and 'Begins with' type queries
  • Fixed bug related to saving queries
Session Management
  • All columns are now available to use in the Duplicate Tag Search feature
  • Fixed bug related to joining sessions
Record Management
  • Updated Validation Results to make them sortable and to improve how Constraint Violation messages are displayed
  • Updated Export to P4 feature to remember the last-used folder
  • Fixed bug in Data Entry Layouts that caused some fields to not be available to select as the Initial Field
  • Fixed bug related to downloading validation codes

Version 1.20

Released 03/22/2018

  • Enhanced Column Chooser that allows for searching for column names and check boxes to add/remove multiple columns to/from the grid

  • Implemented most digitizer map commands for the Generic peripheral device
  • Implemented method to import clip files from PTAGIS tag distributions directly into a Tag List
  • Fixed a bug related to changing the number of rows or columns in a digitizer map
  • Importing configuration from P3 now checks for invalid codes and values in digitizer maps, tag actions, validation constraints, and repeating values and notifies user
  • Fixed a bug related to importing P4 configuration to update large tag lists
  • Fixed a bug related to changing peripheral device serial port settings during data entry

Data Entry
  • Implemented additional validation on values entered from digitizer or generic device during data entry

Query Management
  • Added Session Note and other session-related values as columns that can be added to a query

  • Changed Send Database to PTAGIS feature to use the web API instead of FTP
  • Fixed a bug related to setting the default export folder

Known Issues
  • Query operators Begins With, Ends With, Contains, Does Not Contain, Is Like, and Is Not Like don't allow selecting partial values for fields that contain codes as values

Version 1.19

Released 01/29/2018

Configuration Import

  • Fixed several bugs related to importing configuration from a P3 database
Data Import
  • When importing P4 files or P3 sessions, user will get an Import Error warning if the File Name being imported already exists in the current P4 database
  • Improved importing of P3 session with dashed lengths or weights
  • Improved importing of CSV files (Tagger field will be capitalized if needed, CSV headers are handled explicitly)
  • Fixed bug related to duplicate and empty Session names
  • Acoustic Tag, Radio Tag, Coded-Wire Tag, Scale ID and Genetic ID fields can now be set using an Input Device
  • Acoustic Tag, Radio Tag, Coded-Wire Tag, Scale ID and Genetic ID fields can now be cleared using the Clear Field digitizer command
Data Entry
  • Temperature fields range updated to -2 to 25 degrees Celsius (previously did not allow negative temperature values)
  • Fixed bug related to setting invalid SRR Code values from imported digitizer map
  • Fixed bug related to Tag Actions that use a Query as a tag list if the query has no parameters defined
Record Management
  • Fixed bug related to column sizing when opening multiple sessions at one time
Session Management
  • Fixed bug in Session Upload related to setting Ignore as the Operation type for all selected sessions

Version 1.18

Released 11/09/2017

Record Management

  • Added feature to copy Event Date to Release Date using the Adjust Dates tool
  • Fixed bug related to appending dotted out Tag Codes to Text Comments
  • Improved input validation and error messages in Adjust Dates tool
  • Improved error checking of Project Defined Field Edit Mask values
Data Entry
  • Fixed bug related to clicking the X button on message boxes
Query Management
  • Fixed issue when filtering records with Does Not Contain criteria omitting null values
Data Import
  • Improved error reporting when importing CSV file with null PIT Tag values
  • Improved handling of imported P4 files with PIT tag values that contain lower case letters
  • Added error checking to catch a corrupted configuration file and the ability to delete the corrupted file
  • Fixed issue with saving UI element positions when application is closed

Version 1.17

Released 08/03/2017


  • Added RTS Signal setting to Serial peripherals
  • Fixed bug related to editing a PDV when all 10 are in use
  • Fixed bug related to deleting a PDV when a Query is defined with null in QueryLayout field

Data Import

  • Fixed bug related to importing Additional Positional values from P3 files
  • Improved Download and Import Reader Files to set the parsed timestamp value to 01/01/001 00:00:00 when Date Format is set to None.

Session Validation

  • Passive Recapture event with null Life Stage now triggers validation error

Version 1.16

Released 06/12/2017


  • Updated installer to support complex password requirements
  • Updated api calls to use SSL
Data Entry
  • Fixed issue with navigating to some records using the record counter
  • Added Go To Record feature, accessed by clicking the record counter or using CTRL-G
Query Management
  • Fixed issue with replacing Conditional Comment codes using Update Query Results
  • Added Trim command to Update Query Results to remove extra spaces
Session Management
  • Fixed issue with joining sessions in subfolders
  • Fixed issues with deleting and renaming newly created folders
  • Updated summary validation messages
Record Management
  • Added  Go To Record feature, accessed by tool bar button or using CTRL-G
  • Added RKM Ext. to Batch Update

Version 1.15

Released 05/24/2017


  • Added Scale ID field
  • Added support to restrict access to Configure and Manage features with password
  • Added setting for default export path in Utilities
  • Updated Recapture and Passive Recapture event definitions and validation to define duplicate records as those with the same PIT tag code and Release Date, unless both Release Dates are NULL, in which case the Event Date will be used
  • Updated Recovery event definition and validation to define duplicate records as those with the same PIT tag code and Event Date
  • Updated installer to zip up relevant installation logs in the event a prerequisite or P4 fails to install
Data Entry
  • Added method to export current Session to file directly from data entry
  • Updated confirmation, warning, and error prompts in data entry
  • Added default font settings and UI improvements to Digitizer Map
  • Added new methods for merging, unmerging, and clearing of command squares to Digitizer Map
  • Replaced Balance peripheral type with Input Device peripheral
  • Converted Bluetooth reader devices to serial reader devices
  • Renamed USB reader to HPR USB reader
  • Added Queries as source of tag codes for Tag Actions
  • Added Queries to import/export
  • Changed and moved Active Devices section in the Profile so that multiple reader and/or input devices can be active during a data entry session
  • Added method for filtering Validation Code lists to the Profile
  • Added settings to enable auto-increment feature for Genetic ID and Scale ID fields
  •  Added font size settings and sample data to Data Entry Layout
  • Update Query Results can be used to copy values from one field to another
  • Added Duplicate Record Viewer to Session management to allow searching for duplicate records across sessions
  • Added Excel-style filtering in Record and Query management from column header
Import Data
  • Added Time Zone to Download Reader Files and Import Reader Files
  • Reworked Download Reader Files UI to support sending files from Readers and sending 'download file' commands to Readers

Version 1.14

Released 02/28/2017


  • Added Confirm Reject Record setting to Profile
  • Added Append Values option to the Set Multiple Field Values digitizer map command
  • Fixed bug related to deleting session-level project defined fields
Data Entry
  • Added Batch Update feature
  • Fixed bug related to Filter tag action type
  • Changed label in Statistics viewer from "No PIT Tags" to "Tally Records"
  • Increased Length and Weight maximums
Import Data
  • Added Open Reader Files option to import raw reader files
  • Changed previous Open Reader Files command to Download Reader Files
  • Added option to select Profile when importing from CSV or reader files
  • Added support for the Biomark 601 date format
Dot Out Records
  • Added option to append Repeating Values to dotted out records
Record Management
  • Improved File name reset
  • Added Batch Update feature that allows updates of records grouped by a batch field
  • Added Resequence Records feature that allows records to be sequenced in any order
  • Records are now resequenced automatically if a record is deleted from a session
Validation Codes
  • Added confirmation message to Validation Code update
  • Added list of commonly used species codes that can be used when creating a custom SRR Code
  • Fixed bug related to updating Validation Codes when user defined code has been added as a PTAGIS regional validation code
  • Improved validation of location fields
  • Fixed bug related to creating a Tag List from a Query
  • Fixed bug related to rejecting a record without having a Profile selected
  • Fixed bug related to copying Profiles
  • Fixed bug related to deleting copies of sessions
  • Improved validation of duplicate recapture, recovery and passive recapture events
  • Improved validation of File name
  • Touch themes no longer available to select on devices that are not touch-enabled

Version 1.13

Released 12/14/2016

  • Added Auto-Map Columns option to CSV import (if the CSV file to be imported has column names that match P4 file names, this will automatically map the matching columns)
  • Added Utilities page containing the following tools:
    • Layout import/export/reset
    • Clear database and shrink database
    • Database backup/restore/send to PTAGIS
  • Renamed Database Management to Database Log
  • Updated importing and editing of PDVs
  • Added PIT tag and field length validation to CSV import
  • Fixed bug related to Statistics totals
  • Fixed minor theme bug
  • Fixed bug related to editing Data Entry Layouts
  • Other bug fixes and tweaks

Version 1.12

Released 11/10/2016

  • Added option in Validation Constraints to warn user during data entry if a Length and/or Weight are not entered when the record is saved
  • Added tool bar button in Data Entry that will open the Session in Record Management to facilitate validating the Session once data entry has been completed
  • Fixed issue with ALT key setting focus to the main tool bar
  • Fixed issue with Digitizer Tablet Map dialog being too large for some screens

Version 1.11

Released 10/13/2016

  • Added Find Next and Replace to the Find and Replace feature in Record Management
  • The system clock can be used to set Event Date and/or Release Date separately in a Repeating Value
  • Selection of Tally Event Type dots-out PIT Tag field if it is blank; if it contains PIT code user must confirm dot-out or cancel the Tally event execution
  • Added Undo Dot-out button to tool bar
  • Added Source System Name, Source System Version, and File Version to P4 file export
  • Minor bug fixes and tweaks

Version 1.10

Released 09/28/2016

This is the first production release of P4. 

New Features

  • Added integrated help
  • Added ability to import configuration tools from P3 database
  • Made the following changes to digitizer commands
    •  Added Use Current Record as Repeating Value
    • Added Clear Temporary Repeating Value
    • Added Select and Apply Repeating Value
    • Changed Apply Repeating Value to apply the current Repeating Value to the current record instead of applying a saved Repeating Value
    • Changed Unselect Repeating Value to Toggle Repeating Value; it now toggles the current Repeating Value on and off
  • Added Join Sessions feature to copy the records from two or more sessions into a new session
  • Added Adjust Date/Time feature in Record Management
  • Added Update Query Results feature in Query
  • Added Update from Sessions feature to update values in one session from the values in another session by joining on tag code or tag code and event type
  • Session Name must be unique
  • Added Notifications
  • Theme selector now available everywhere except Data Entry and Record Management
  • Dialog and panel sizes and locations are remembered
  • Tool bar button icon size can be set to large or small with right-click
  • Life Stage is now a mandatory field for Mark, Recapture and Recovery events
  • Updated dashboard and tool bar icons

Bugs Fixed

  • Issues with editing and saving Digitizer Maps
  • Issues with rejecting records in Data Entry
  • Issues with saving and updating Queries
  • Issues with Find and Replace
  • Issues with exporting and importing CSV files

Known Issues

  • Install of SQL Server prerequisite could fail on Windows 8.1 or 10 if computer is on domain that uses on-site Windows update server, due to .NET Framework 3.5 not being enabled. .NET Framework 3.5 will need to be enabled by IT. Contact PTAGIS for more information.
  • Upload error may occur if you have upgraded from v1.00 or 1.02. To fix, delete the P4.exe.config file from the Virtual Store directory.

Version 1.04

Released 05/09/2016

Beta Release New Features

  • Tally event type added to support collecting data on untagged fish
  • Query Data allows the building and saving of custom queries against the local P4 database. You can export the results to various formats, import the tag codes into a P4 tag list, or create a Custom Validation from saved queries.
  • Custom Validation configuration tool allows the user to create custom validation routines to run during built-in P4 validation.
  • Added Bluetooth Reader device type to Configuration Tools
  • Added Export and Import of P4 Configuration Tools
  • Standardized field names across P4
  • Add Dot-Out records feature to Data Management
  • Added Replace Duplicate command to Digitizer Map tool
  • Double-click to expand Session Folders

Bugs Fixed

  • Configuration Tool dialog now warn user any required fields are left blank
  • Fixed many issues with Conditional Comments field
  • Fixed several issues with folders and sub-folders
  • Fixed timeout error when deleting many large sessions

Known Issues

  • Install on Windows 10 could fail if computer is on managed domain using on-site Windows Update Server
  • Validating many large sessions may cause Out of Memory error
  • RKM Mask may not update when a Release Site is selected in a new Repeating Value or in a new record during data entry
  • Upload error may occur if you have upgraded from v1.00 or 1.02. To fix, delete the P4.exe.config file from the Virtual Store directory.

Version 1.02

Released 03/01/2016

Beta Release New Features

  • Starting field can be specified in Data Entry layout
  • P3 Digitizer Maps can be imported from P3.mdb file
  • Added New Session default values to the Profile for Project Code, File UDF, Session Message, Session Note, Folder, Repeating Value, and Data Entry Layout
  • Streamlined New Session creation
  • New user interface for Configuration Tools
  • Added Set Multiple Field Value command to digitizer map
  • Added Toggle Panels command to digitizer map
  • Added font tools to digitizer map
  • Added method to insert values into Additional Positional field at a position specified by underscores in digitizer map command
  • Digitizer map peripheral command now references a Device Type instead of a specific peripheral
  • Added toolbar button to Session Management to select/unselect highlighted session
  • Project Defined Field PDV column can be specified or changed
  • Added Definition field for Project Defined Fields
  • Added hot keys to data entry screen (hover over tool bar buttons to see them)
  • Sound Alerts
  • Statistics Viewer

Bugs Fixed

  • Communication with serial digitizer tablets
  • Time out when importing or deleting large numbers of sessions
  • Incorrect display of Session Project Defined Fields
  • Must select SRR when defining a Validation Constraint
  • Various other bug fixes

Known Issues

  • filtering of Conditional Comments in Data Management does not work as expected
  • Install on Windows 10 could fail if computer is on managed domain using on-site Windows Update server

Features Not Yet Implemented

  • Duplicate check against PTAGIS database
  • Export/import of P4 configuration tools
  • GPS unit as separate peripheral
  • Merging sessions
  • Query and update records across sessions
  • View complete session upload history
  • Command to increment numeric values
  • Enhanced bluetooth support

Version 1.00

Released 12/09/2015

Beta Release Known Issues

  • filtering of Conditional Comments in Data Management does not work as expected
  • Import from CSV or Reader creates FileName based on today's date instead of Event Date in imported data
  • Install on Windows 10 could fail if computer is on managed domain using on-site Windows Update server for windows updates

Features Not Yet Implemented

  • Audible alerts
  • Duplicate check against PTAGIS database
  • Edit Repeating Values from digitizer
  • Export/Import of Configuration Tools
  • GPS unit as separate peripheral (HPR+ GPS functionality is supported)
  • Merging sessions
  • Query and update records across sessions
  • Statistics viewer
  • View upload history