Interrogation Site Metadata
TY2 - High Flow Top of Tyee Channel
Status: DecommissionedGeneral Operational Period: Seasonally
Start Date:
End Date: 9/5/2013 12:00 AM
This is a pass through single antenna spanning across the width of high flow inlet at the top of Tyree side channel within the Entiat River at river km 38, Chelan County, WA. The site equipment used to decode full duplex tags is an Allflex reader board and data is stored on an Acumen data logger. A half-duplex timer tag is strapped to the antenna itself. Antenna ID is 15. Timer tags are activated and set to 31 minute intervals. Timer tag ID is 000.000A6AB25C. The antenna is configured in a pass through position and anchored with 2 t-posts into the substrate. The site will be operated year round with exception to periods of high flows, dewatering and equipment failure. The duration of study is expected to be for a minimum of three years.
Operational History
Operational history describes the period the site was interrogating for PIT tags. The comments provide anecdotal information about the operation of the site during this period. Site operational periods are updated typically at the end of the calendar year.
Configuration metadata includes details about the equipment used at the site to detect and record PIT tags. A new configuration sequence record is created when equipment is added or removed from the site and the period of time it was active. A configuration sequence without an End Date is currently active.
Equipment History
Select a type to view the history of equipment installed at this site. A missing End Date implies the information about the equipment is current.