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Hands-on Training - Wrangling and Preparing PIT Tag Data using PITcleanr

Kevin See1, Ryan Kinzer2, Mike Ackerman2

  1. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
  2. Nez Perce Tribe

If you've ever grappled with the complexities of analyzing PIT tag data for fish survival and movement, the sheer volume of tag detections can be overwhelming, leading to redundant records and analytical challenges. Join us for an immersive hands-on training workshop featuring the powerful R package PITcleanR – a versatile and freely available package crafted to simplify the management of PIT tag data. Through a series of practical examples, you'll gain valuable insights and skills to navigate the challenges of working with PIT tag data efficiently. This workshop will guide you through importing and condensing data, to introducing directionality, applying essential filters, and preparing the data for advanced analysis, such as transforming it into capture history matrices. Moreover, the workshop will showcase specific functionalities of PITcleanR, including mapping sites on a stream network, and aiding researchers in constructing comprehensive tables and figures that depict the connectivity and upstream/downstream relationships between instream PIT detection systems and the studied fish.