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PTAGIS Data Analysis: Transforming Raw Data into Research Insights

Marika Dobos1, Megan Dethloff2

  1. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Clearwater Regional Office, 3316 16th St, Lewiston, ID 83501
  2. USGS Columbia River Reseach Lab, 5501-A Cook Underwood Rd, Cook, WA 98605

PIT-tag array data and analysis can be overwhelming. As in-stream PIT tag detection systems of PIT-tag arrays evolve so do tools for analyzing the data. Parsing out the necessary data needed for a particular analysis can be challenging, especially for a complex species. The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Fish Monitoring Work Group (FMWG) has initiated a PIT Tag Array Data and Related Data Analyses task to document and recommend improvements to data management and analytical methods for PIT tag array data. We plan to identify and discuss tools to improve data download and cleaning for use, discuss data management of ancillary data (e.g., temperature) associated with PIT tag arrays and where it needs to be housed (PTAGIS), allow methods for estimating site efficiencies and abundances available for sharing (e.g., GitHub), and develop standards for large-scale application of PIT tag array detection and operations data for reporting and modeling (e.g., run reconstruction, productivity, life-cycle, IMW). Tools that manage detection data and any environmental data associated with PIT-tag arrays, like temperature and antenna noise, can aid in improving efficiencies for biologists who operate PIT-tag array infrastructures, analyze detection data, and report results. This presentation will give a brief overview of the PNAMP FMWG task and lead into a facilitated discussion on challenges others have encountered regarding management and analyses using PIT-tag array data. This discussion will help inform the PNAMP FMWG's next steps to support the development of tools, analytical methods, and pathways to addressing challenges in the future.