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Table with list of videos in library available for download
Title Description Duration Time
P4 Overview

A brief overview of the P4 tagging software interface and features.

08:35 207
Configure a PIT Tag Reader in P4

Learn how to configure a PIT tag reader, such as the HPR Plus, to scan PIT tag codes directly into P4.

05:10 208
Configure Input Devices in P4

Learn how to configure input devices, such as balances and calipers, to enter data directly into P4.

06:13 209
Configure Digitizer Tablet and Map in P4

Learn how to configure a digitizer tablet and map to enter data into and control P4 during data entry.

07:51 210
Project Defined Fields in P4

Learn about the fields you can use in P4 for project-specific data that does not fit into standard PTAGIS fields.

04:30 211
Repeating Values in P4

Learn how to configure and use Repeating Values to automatically enter default values during data collection or import.

07:35 212
Data Entry Layouts in P4

Learn how to customize the P4 data entry form to add, remove, or arrange fields as needed for your project.

07:00 213
Tag Lists and Tag Actions in P4

Learn how to set up P4 to alert you or change a value automatically when specified tags are scanned in during data entry.

10:29 214
Profiles in P4

Learn how to use Profiles to configure how P4 behaves and which devices to use during data entry.

08:42 215
Validation Codes in P4

Learn how to download PTAGIS validation codes and add custom validation codes in P4, along with how to request new codes.

04:09 216
Importing Data into P4

Learn how to import P3 files, P4 files, delimited files, and raw reader output into P4

11:36 217
Backup and Transfer Data in P4

Learn how to back up tagging and configuration data in P4 and transfer data to a new computer.

07:27 218
Data Collection in P4

Demonstrates most of the features available in P4 for use during data collection or entry.

17:20 219
How to Dot Out Shed Tags

Learn how to dot out the records from all original tagging sessions of those fish who died or shed their tags before release.

04:39 220
Editing and Validating Data

Learn how to edit and validate PIT tag data in P4.

12:06 221
Submitting Data to PTAGIS

Learn how to submit MRR data to PTAGIS using P4.

05:18 222
Querying PIT Tag Data in P4

Learn how to use Query Management in P4 to query across all PIT tag data in the local installation of P4.

05:07 223