Over the past few years, PTAGIS staff have worked on a series of video tutorials covering P4, the free tagging software provided by PTAGIS. There are seventeen videos in the series, ranging from 4 to 17 minutes long, covering configuration, data collection and data management. The videos can be watched in order from beginning to end, or can be viewed individually to learn about a specific feature or topic. 

When you first load the P4 tutorials page, the videos are sorted into the recommended viewing order if you are brand new to the software and want to start at the beginning. Each video listing includes a brief description and the duration of the video. All videos include closed captions enabled by default which can be disabled, if preferred. 

The video tutorials are intended to provide basic information to get those new to P4 started with using the software. P4 also includes an integrated help system, which provides more details about how certain features work. If there are any topics that you would like to see covered in a tutorial video, please let us know.