Some BCC detection records were missing from the Interrogation Summary query builder reports. The detection records were available in Interrogation Detail, but something happened during the upgrade from Minimon to M4 back in 2013 that caused a small proportion of BCC interrogation detail records to not get properly aggregated into Interrogation Summary.
The Interrogation Detail report data source contains records for each tag detection on each antenna at a site (aggregated to the nearest second). Interrogation Summary is aggregated from Interrogation Detail to show only one record for each tag detected at each site. Each of those records shows the first and last detection timestamp for that tag at the site and the first and last antenna. No records were missing from Interrogation Detail, but about 15,000 tags detected at BCC were missing from the Interrogation Summary report source. All of those detections occurred between March and September 2013.
Interrogation Summary has now been updated and those missing records have been restored. We also audited the entirety of the Interrogation Summary report data source and found no other missing records.