Menu Bar


Features available from the Menu Bar of the M5 Control Panel are described below.

Menu Header

Menu Feature



Start All Services

Starts site monitoring services.

Stop All Services

Stops site monitoring services.

Restart All Services

Restarts site monitoring services, typically used to apply new configuration settings.

File Submission | Start

Starts the File Submission service and immediately attempts to upload and/or archive data files.

File Submission | Stop

Stops the File Submission service.


The File Submission service will restart if File Submission > Start or Operations > Start or Restart are executed.


Opens the connection prompt to select a new M5 Monitor Service to connect to (closing any current connection).


Closes any current connection to an M5 Monitor Service and closes the M5 Control Panel application. The application can also be closed by clicking on the X button in upper right-corner of the window frame.


NOTE: site monitoring services will continue to run on an M5 Monitor Service after the M5 Control Panel is closed.





Next Data File

Will close the current data file and open the next data file in sequence.

Initiate Upload\Archive

Initiates an upload and/or archive of any unprocessed data files.

Scroll Lock

Toggles the scrolling of the Data Viewer component. Status of the Scroll Lock feature is displayed in the right corner of the Status Bar. This feature does not impact data collection.


NOTE: The Data Viewer displays a fixed-number of messages, with new messages replacing older ones. Leaving the M5 Control Panel open and connected to an M5 Monitor Service with the scroll lock enabled for a substantial period may impact new messages from displaying in the viewer.

Clear Data Viewer

Clears all messages displayed in the Data Viewer. This feature does not impact data collection.






Edit Configuration…

Presents the current configuration of the connected M5 Monitor Service for updating. See Configuration section for more information.

Import Configuration…

Prompts the user to select a file to import as a new configuration for the connected M5 Monitor Service. The file can be either a M4 configuration file (*.xml) or a M5 configuration file (*.json).

Export Configuration…

Allows user to export the current configuration to a file. The name of the exported configuration file will use the machine name of connected M5 Monitor Service plus a timestamp to prevent overwriting other exported configuration versions.

Send Transceiver Commands…

If the site monitoring services are running, prompts the user to select and send a remote command to one or more transceivers.

Refresh Transceiver Specifications

Initiates a download of the most current transceiver specifications from the PTAGIS server. These specifications provide an updated list of remote commands and default connection values for all transceiver types supported by PTAGIS that can change a few times a year.


NOTE: downloaded transceiver specifications are stored on the same machine as the M5 Control Panel is currently running on.





Presents a dialog of application information about the M5 Control Panel and any M5 Monitor Service that might be currently connected.

View Help...

Opens this help file.

Check for Updates...

Checks for updates for both M5 Control Panel and the connected M5 Monitor Service.