Tool Bar


The M5 File Manager tool bar contains tools for opening, editing and submitting M5 files. Most of the buttons on the tool bar accomplish common editing functions such as Save, Copy, Paste, etc. The buttons which are specific to M5 File Manager are highlighted and described below.


Open Local File

Open M5 file from the local computer file system.

Download File from PTAGIS

Open a tool to search for rejected files from the interrogation sites associated with the registered email address saved in the Configuration screen.

Clean Data File

Removes all non-printable ASCII characters from a file.

Upload to PTAGIS

Becomes available once the opened file has no more errors. Submits the file to PTAGIS using the registered email address saved in the Configuration screen.

View Upload History

Shows all files that have been submitted from the current installation of M5 File Manager and their final status once processing has completed.