Add HPR Reader with Bluetooth Connection



Use this type of connection only for the Biomark HPR Plus and Lite readers if you want to use the native Bluetooth connection instead of USB or the Bluetooth to Serial connection previously supported.


Turn the HPR reader on and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled.

Click Add Connection from the Create/Edit Site Connection form.

Set the Connection Type to HPR Bluetooth.

Click Pick in the Bluetooth Device text box.

Select the HPR reader device from the Select Bluetooth Device window that appears.

The default PIN for HPR readers is 1234, but if you have changed it on your device, update the PIN number.

In the Test Terminal, click the Connection to On and send a command to test the connection.


Connection Type

Select HPR Bluetooth

Bluetooth Device

Click Pick to bring up a window showing all available Bluetooth devices and select the HPR reader you are using.


If you have changed the Bluetooth PIN on your reader, update it here to match.

Test Terminal

Move the Connection slider to On to test that your HPR Bluetooth reader is configured correctly.