Linux Daemon Administration


When installed on a Linux system, the M5 Monitor Service runs as a systemd Daemon service. Here are a few commands to help administrate this service:





sudo systemctl status m5monitor

Shows status of M5 Monitor Service (service).

sudo systemctl enable m5monitor

Enable the service to automatically start on reboot.

sudo systemctl start m5monitor

Starts the service, even if not configured.

sudo systemctl stop m5monitor

Stops the service.

sudo systemctl restart m5monitor

Restarts the service.

sudo journalctl -u m5monitor.service

Displays the latest log information (or tail the current daily log file in /usr/share/PTAGIS/M5/Log

sudo apt remove m5monitor

Uninstall M5 Monitor Service, but keep the configuration and data files.

sudo apt purge m5monitor

Uninstall M5 Monitor Service and remove configuration and data files.