Specifications > MRR > Data Specification

Recovery Event

Email Comments


The event during which a previously released PIT tag is recovered from or detected in a dead fish, or is recovered or detected as a bare tag, or is removed from the possibility of being recaptured or detected in the future. Multiple recovery events are allowed for each PIT tag code as some PIT tags, while obviously no longer in a living fish, may be detected multiple times without a physical recovery (e.g. carcass surveys, avian nesting sites). A recovery event that is reported for the same PIT tag with the same Event Date as a previously reported recovery event will be classified as a Recovery Duplicate during the loading process.


Required Fields

All of these fields must be completed before the data can be submitted to PTAGIS.


Display Name



Event Type*

The data collection event type represented by the record.


PIT Tag*

Unique 10 or 14-character code of the embedded PIT tag in hexadecimal format or dot-out (10 periods).

First 7 characters must match Tag Mask Validation Codes. Dot-outs are ignored when the file is loaded into the database.

SRR Code*

Three-character code that identifies the species, run, and rear type of fish.

SRR Verbose Validation Codes

Capture Method

Method used to capture or collect fish.

Capture Method Validation Codes

Event Date

Local date and time the data collection event occurred.

Date Time Offset between 1/1/1986 and current date

Event Site

Site identifier where the data collection event occurred.

MRR Site Codes

Life Stage

The general life stage of the fish at the time of the event. Use Conditional Comments to indicate more specific stages.





Agency or entity responsible for the data collection event.

Organization Validation Codes

Record #

Number of the record in the session.

Integer > 0, unique within session

* Minimum required fields to save a record during data entry.



Optional Fields

Data can optionally be recorded in these fields.


Display Name



Acoustic Tag

Acoustic tag code, if applicable.

Free text up to 50 characters

Coded-Wire Tag

Coded Wire Tag code, if applicable.

Free text up to 50 characters

Conditional Comments

Flag codes to record fish condition, morphological and environmental factors, and other situational conditions.

Flag Validation Codes, space separated, max character limit is 50, which allows 15-20 codes depending on use of single-character codes

Detail Note

Ad hoc annotations pertaining to the current record.

Free text up to 200 characters

Genetic ID

Unique identifier for genetic material taken from this fish.

Free text up to 50 characters


Latitude coordinate of the Release Site

Decimal degrees between 40 and 50


Longitude coordinate of the Release Site

Decimal degrees between -125 and -110

Lat/Long Source^

Source for latitude and longitude coordinates:

GPS - collected with GPS

DIG - derived using digital map source

UNK - unknown


Fork length of fish in millimeters.

> 0

Other Tag

Identifier for any other tag or mark on this fish not captured elsewhere.

Free text up to 50 characters


Abbreviated description of the sampling location.

Free text up to 30 characters

Radio Tag

Radio tag code, if present.

Free text up to 50 characters

Release Site

Site identifier for recovery location of fish or tag. Only use this if an RKM extension needs to be specified for the recovery location.

MRR Site Codes not mark site only


The distance in kilometers from the mouth of the stream location to the recovery location.

Integer,1-4 digits, left-padded with zeros

Scale ID

Unique identifier for scale sample taken from this fish.

Free text up to 50 characters.

Second PIT Tag

Second PIT tag code if fish is double-tagged.

Valid 10 or 14 character tag code in hexadecimal format

Spawn Year

Use only when marking adult fish. Calendar year when fish is expected to spawn.

4-digit valid year between Event Year and Event Year +1


Brief descriptor of the brood stock of the fish.

Free text up to 15 characters

Text Comments

Free text field for ad hoc comments unique to this fish.

Free text up to 100 characters


Weight to the nearest tenth of a gram.

> 0

^ If any of these fields are completed, all must be completed


Ignored Fields

Data in these fields will be ignored for Recapture events. No validation checks will be performed on these fields and if data exists in them when submitted to PTAGIS, the values will not be loaded into the database.


Display Name



Brood Year

Calendar year when tagged fish was spawned.

4-digit valid year between (Event Year - 3) and Event Year


Hatchery where fish was reared.

Hatchery Validation Codes

Hold Temp

Temperature (Cº) of water in the post-tagging holding facilities.

-2.0 - 25.0 degrees Celsius.

25.0 is used to indicate temperature was not collected

Mark Method

Method by which PIT tag was inserted into the fish.

Tag Method Validation Codes

Mark Temp

Temperature (Cº) of tagging bath during marking operation.

-2.0 - 25.0 degrees Celsius.

25.0 is used to indicate temperature was not collected

Migration Year

Earliest possible calendar year when juvenile anadromous fish will out-migrate. If tagging adult fish, this is the current calendar year.

4-digit year between (Event Date year) and (Event Date year + 1)

Release Date

Local date and time of release of marked or recaptured fish.

Date Time Offset between Event Date and current date

Release Temp

Temperature (Cº) of water the tagged fish were released into.

-2.0 - 25.0 degrees Celsius.

25.0 is used to indicate temperature was not collected


Person responsible for marking operation.

LastName FirstIntial (e.g. SMITH J) with maximum of 30 characters



Version: 1.09

Published: 1/16/2025