The P3 file format consists of an ASCII text file with header and detail sections. The header section contains information about who, when and where the PIT tag data was collected, along with additional metadata that applies to all detail records in the file. The detail section contains one line for each fish and the position of values in the line defines the type of value.
The file contains eight possible record categories.
•File Type
•Program Version
•Session Message
•End of File
•Tag Detail
•Variable Release Time Definition
This record is generated by the software on the first line in the file, is a required record, and has the following format:
"FILE TYPE" starting in column 5; a colon (:) in column 36; and "TAGGING" starting in column 38.
This record is generated by the software on the second line the file, is required, and has the following format:
"PROGRAM VERSION" starting in column 5 a colon (:) in column 36; and "PITTAG3 v.x.x" starting in column 38.
v.x.x refers to the P3 version number and must be 1.0 or greater (e.g. 1.4.3).
Text, 76 character input maximum. This required record is formatted by the software; and is delimited by dashed sequences on lines three and five of the ASCII output file. While the exact record content is left to the user's discretion, the Session Message should provide a summary of the purpose or scope of the tagging project.
The label contents, order, and format of the header records are standardized and cannot be changed. These are required records. The mandatory inclusion of record contents may be required, as individually noted.
xxxYYDDD.zzz |
Mandatory |
This required format is auto-generated by P3 and consists of a valid tagging data coordinator‘s ID (initials) and the day-of-year (YYDDD). The contents of the extension (zzz) are required but left to the discretion of the tagging supervisor. However, as all data files submitted to PTAGIS must have unique titles, it is imperative that the filename/extension combination not conflict with any other PIT tag data file generated within the Columbia Basin. |
MM/DD/YY hh:mm |
Mandatory |
This field records the date the tag data was collected. The value is generated by the software, and defaults to the current computer date and time. This value can be modified in P3.EXE. When the Tag Data File contains records of PIT tag releases or recaptures/mortalities collected over multiple days then, by convention, the Tag Date field should contain the first day of sampling effort, the Release Date field (see below) should reference the last day of sampling effort, the actual dates of PIT tag release/recovery should be denoted using Variable Release Times (see below), and the procedure should be documented in a session Note (see below) preceding the first Tag Detail record (see below). |
Mandatory |
This field records the tagging supervisor or primary tagger's last name, a space, and the tagger‘s first initial, to a maximum of 15 characters. |
Valid Hatchery Codes |
Optional |
When fish are obtained from a hatchery, this field contains the four-character abbreviation from the domain of hatchery codes. |
Text |
Optional |
This field contains a description of the genetic or geographic stock of fish, to a maximum of 15 characters. |
Nn |
Optional |
This field contains the last two digits of the calendar year when eggs were deposited or collected, if known. |
Nn |
Mandatory |
This field contains the last two digits of the earliest possible calendar year when juvenile anadromous fish will out-migrate. For a recapture/mortality event for resident species, or if anadromous adults are tagged, this value references the current calendar year. |
[Valid Tag Site] |
Mandatory |
This field contains a code, from the domain of valid MRR Site codes, denoting the site where the fish were marked. When reporting a recapture or mortality event, this code designates the recapture or mortality site. |
Text |
Optional |
This field contains an abbreviated description of the sampling location, to a maximum of six characters. |
[Valid Capture Method] |
Mandatory |
This field contains a code, from the domain of valid Capture Method codes, denoting the method by which the fish were collected. |
nn.n |
Mandatory |
This field contains the temperature (00.0-25.0°C, inclusive) of the tagging water. A value of 25.0 should be entered if the water temperature is not obtained, or the value varies over the period of time the fish are tagged. |
nn.n |
Optional |
When there is a significant time interval between the marking and release of PIT-tagged fish, this field contains the temperature (00.0-25.0°C, inclusive) of the water in the post-tagging holding facilities (e.g., an outdoor raceway). |
nn.n |
Cond. Mand.* |
This field contains the temperature (00.0-25.0°C, inclusive) of the water the tagged fish were released into. This field is required when the Tag Data File provides Release Information. A value of 25.0 should be entered if the water temperature is not obtained, or the value varies over the period of time the fish are released. |
[Valid Tagging Method] |
Mandatory |
This field contains the four-character code, from the domain of valid Tagging Method codes, denoting the method by which PIT tags were inserted into the fish. If all Tag Detail records in the file refer to the recapture or mortality of fish previously tagged, the value is NONE. |
[Valid Organization] |
Mandatory |
This field contains the code, from the domain of valid Organization codes, denoting the agency or entity responsible for the PIT tag marking or recovery activity. |
[Valid Coordinator ID] |
Mandatory |
This field contains the code, from the domain of valid Tag Data Projects and Coordinator ID codes, identifying the individual or tag data project. The person associated with the COORDINATOR ID is responsible for the marking or recovery operation utilizing the PIT tags. He or she is also responsible for responding to inquiries from other entities regarding those operations. PTAGIS users can request new COORDINATOR ID codes from the Request New Validation Code page on the PTAGIS website. |
MM/DD/YY hh:mm |
Cond. Mand.* |
This field contains the date and time the tagged fish were released, in Pacific Standard Time (PST). During a recapture event, this code designates the re- release date. This record is required when the Tag Data File provides Release Information. When the Tag Data File contains records of PIT tag releases or recaptures/mortalities collected over multiple days then, by convention, the Tag Date field (see above) should contain the first day of sampling effort, the Release Date field should reference the last day of sampling effort, the actual dates of PIT tag release/recovery should be denoted using Variable Release Times (see below), and the procedure should be documented in a session Note (see below) preceding the first Tag Detail record (see below). |
[Valid Release Site] |
Cond. Mand.* |
This field contains a code, from the domain of valid MRR Site codes, denoting the site where the fish were released. When the file contains records detailing mortality or recapture events, this code denotes the mortality site or the re- release site. This field is required when the Tag Data File provides Release Information. |
nnn(.nnn) |
Cond. Mand.* |
This field contains a series of three-digit values, separated by periods, corresponding to the lengths of river segments (in kilometers) between the mouth of the Columbia River and the release site. The total length of the field cannot exceed 27 characters. This field is required when the Tag Data File provides Release Information. |
*Cond. Mand. (Conditionally Mandatory): If any of the four header fields related to Release Information (Release Water Temp, Release Date, Release Site, or Release River KM) is submitted with data, then all four of those header records must contain data. In addition, if Variable Release Times are declared and defined within the Tag Detail records, all four Release Information header records must be completed.
In the ASCII output file, each Tag Detail record is distinguished by a right justified sequence number in columns 1-4. The contents of all other record types are preceded by spaces (ASCII character 32dec./ØH2Ø) in columns 1-4. Up to 9,999 Tag Detail records may appear in a Tag Data File.
1-4 |
Mandatory |
This is a computer-generated value, incremented sequentially, and right-justified, with values between 1 and 9999, inclusive. |
7-20 |
Mandatory |
Left-justified, hexadecimal. Two general formats are permitted. The first consists of a 10- character hexadecimal tag code that is characteristic of 400 kHz PIT tags. The second format consists of a 14- character hex tag code comprised of a three-character hex manufacturer code, a period (ASCII 46dec./ØH2E), and a 10-character hex ID code; this mask is typical of 134.2 kHz ISO-compliant Duplex-B PIT tags. PTAGIS also recognizes a series of 10 periods as a null PITCODE value. |
21-28 |
Optional |
Fork length of fish. Integer, right justified, in millimeters. |
29-38 |
Optional |
Weight of fish. Floating point numeric, right justified, and precise to a tenth of a gram. |
41 |
Mandatory |
Single alpha-numeric code from the domain of valid species codes denoting the species of the fish. |
42 |
Mandatory |
Single alpha-numeric code from the domain of valid run codes denoting the run of the fish. |
43 |
Mandatory |
Single alpha-numeric code from the domain of valid rear type codes denoting the rearing type of the fish. |
44-45 |
Optional |
Two digits. These values allow users to specify multiple release times for Tag Detail records in a single file. Valid values are 00-99, inclusive. Each unique Release Time Variable used must have a corresponding Release Time Variable Definition that reports the actual date and time of release. (See Variable Release Time Declaration Records below.) |
Variable |
Optional |
Up to 45 columns of Additional Positional Comments, for use by individual research projects, may appear after column 45. These Additional Positional Comments are not recorded into the PTAGIS database. |
Variable |
Optional* |
Conditional Comments from the domain of valid flag codes are used to systematically catalog a variety of morphological, environmental, and logical factors associated with a specific tagged fish. Conditional Comments, if present, appear after any Additional Positional Comments and are preceded by a single vertical bar symbol ("|", ASCII 124dec./ØH7C). Individual Conditional Comments are delimited with a single space. |
variable |
Optional |
Textual Comments are separated from Conditional Comments by a single vertical bar symbol. If no Conditional Comments are present, Textual Comments are preceded by two vertical bar symbols "||". This field can hold up to 50 alphanumeric characters, including ASCII punctuation. While the contents of this field are unregulated, by convention Textual Comments are intended as ad hoc annotations unique to individual tag detail records rather than a common descriptor duplicated in all detail records. |
* By default, the Tag Detail Record describes a new Tagging event. However, the presence of a specific Flag Code in the Tag Detail Record can denote either a Recapture or Mortality event, as described below.
Recapture Events: A recapture is defined as a previously PIT-tagged fish that is handled subsequent to the release event. The Tag Data File is used to record captures. The Flag code RE or BT must be added to each recapture tag record in the Tag Data File. If all of the tag records in the Tag Data File reference recaptured fish, then the Header records will also reference those Recapture Events. In such a case, for example, the Tag Site will actually denote the Recapture Site, and the Release Date will serve as the re-Release Date.
Mortality Events: A mortality is defined as a PIT tag that is recovered, with or without its host animal, subsequent to the tagged release of that animal. One of the defined mortality flag codes (M, MB, MK, MS, L, SM) must be added to each corresponding mortality tag record in the Tag Data File. The death of tagged fish and/or the retrieval of those tags prior to release are not considered to be Mortality Events. In these circumstances, the original owner of the tag can remove ("dot-out") the reference to that tagging event in the original Tag Data File, submit the corrected file to PTAGIS, and then re-use the tag as part of a new tagging event.
Adult Returns: Anadromous PIT-tagged fish returning to spawning locations may be recorded as Tagging, Recapture, or Mortality events. Any salmon or steelhead that has returned to the Columbia River Basin from the Pacific Ocean is considered to be a Returning Fish and should be flagged with the RF code. Salmon and steelhead that are initially PIT-tagged as ocean returns should also be flagged with the AT code (Tagged as an Adult). In the case of all new tagging, recapture, or mortality events involving returning fish, the detail records should also be flagged with either an MT (for Mature), KL (for Kelt), JA (for Jack), or MJ (for Minijack) life stage code, as appropriate.
Most Note Records are ad hoc annotations to the data file. Global comments pertaining to the tagging session are generally entered between the header and first Tagging Detail record, using the Session Note function in P3. Additional comments can be added within the Tagging Detail section during the tagging session. The format and content of all Note Records are ignored by PTAGIS.
The VRT declaration begins with an upper case "V" in column five, followed by a two-digit release variable (nn) in columns six and seven, an equals sign "=" in column eight, the two digit month (MM) in columns nine and 10, a slash (/) in column 11, the two digit day (DD) in columns 12 and 13, a slash (/) in column 14, the two digit year (YY) in columns 15 and 16, a space in column 17, the two digit military-style hour of release (hh, 00-23), in Pacific Standard Time, in columns 18 and19, a colon (:) in column 20, and the two digit minutes (mm) of release in columns 21 and 22.
Vnn=MM/DD/YY hh:mm
V01=04/08/09 16:45
When the Tag Data File contains records of PIT tag releases or recaptures/mortalities collected over multiple days then, by convention, the Tag Date field (see above) should contain the first day of sampling effort, the Release Date field (see above) should reference the last day of sampling effort, the actual dates of PIT tag release/recovery should be denoted using Variable Release Times (see above), and the procedure should be documented in a session Note (see above) preceding the first Tag Detail record (see above).
The End of File record uses the same positional formatting as HEADER records. The record is created by P3 and is required by PTAGIS as the last record in the file.
Version: 1.09
Published: 1/16/2025