EVENT LOG FOR SITE TMF The first line of each entry contains a date/time stamp & who is reporting. The most recent entry is listed first. Date Time Who ---------- ----- -------- 09/14/2011 12:16 Josh The juvenile bypass and associated fish sampling facility and PIT tag antennas (coils 51, 52, and 81) at TMF became operational on 3/5/11 at 10:00AM (PST). The fish sampling facility and associated antennas (coils 51 and 52) were dewatered on 7/1/11 at 10:00AM (PST). The juvenile bypass and coil 81 remain operational. The planned shutdown date for the juvenile bypass is 11/1/11. 03/14/2011 09:05 Will The antenna at the adult ladder (coil 01) was replaced on the afternoon of 3/10/2011. PIT detections at this coil have been impared since 4/2010 due to high noise, and this antenna replacement will likely improve detection efficiency at this coil. 01/01/2011 00:00 PTOC_Bot Annual log file initiation for TMF #### End of Event Log for TMF ###