EVENT LOG FOR SITE NBA The first line of each entry contains a date/time stamp & who is reporting. The most recent entry is listed first. Date Time Who ---------- ----- -------- 11/02/2010 11:58 Courtney 10/6/10 - West Ladder - Prior to this message the MUX and computer times were following Pacific Daylight Time. Clocks were "reset" to Pacific Standard Time on 10/6/10. Tag testing was conducted. Test tag was sent and "test aborted due to system activity". Test tag (12mm SST) was manually ran and read "no hole". 10/6/10 - East Ladder - Updated Minimon to version 1.5.4. Computer and MUX times were already on Pacific Standard Time. 09/14/2010 14:06 Courtney 9/14/10 - NBA - East and West ladder - Prior to this message the MUX and computer times were following Pacific Daylight Time . Clocks were "reset" to Pacific Standard Time on 9/14/10. 09/08/2010 15:06 Courtney 9/1/10 - East Ladder - Updated MUX firmware 2.1; Minimon to 1.5.3; Ran patch to fix Minimon country code/registry to correctly report PITtags with 384 prefix. West Ladder - Ran patch to fix Minimon country code/registry to correctly report PITtags with 384 prefix. 06/08/2010 08:19 Courtney 6/3/10 at 06:23 - Antenna 3 (spillway) lost current and washed out. Antenna amperage dropped originally 12/12/10 at 10:30 but antenna was still detecting tags occasionally. 01/19/2010 16:09 Courtney 12/12/2009 at 10:30 = NBA East ladder - antenna 3 amperage dropped from 2.42 to 1.77 amps. Antenna is not fully functioning but is still detecting some fish. 01/01/2010 00:00 PTOC_Bot Annual log file initiation for NBA #### End of Event Log for NBA ###