EVENT LOG FOR SITE NBA Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 10/31/2003 13:01 Carter_S The PTAGIS Site configuration for NBA is set up: NBA - Nursery Bridge Adult --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Current Configuration -> Seq Nbr: 100 Main? N, Active? Y, Parallel_A_B? A, Poll? N Current Configuration: Seq Nbr 100 -> 31-Oct-03 To Present Comment: Fish Ladder detector on South Fork Walla Walla River near Milton Freewater, OR. Monitors in Sort_Str sequence: Nbr 1 -> Coil 01 Mon_Ctgry_Str: LDR, Entry_Y_N? Y, Exit_Y_N? Y, Sort_Str: 1 (Coil,Controller): (01,01) 10/31/2003 12:43 Dave Initial entry for new Nursery Bridge Dam (adult) site. I added an 'NBA' definition to etc/sites, with notification alerts directed to Gayle Zydlewski and Jim Gasvoda. ####End of Event Log for NBA###