EVENT LOG FOR SITE LFF Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 01/01/2012 08:41 rclark@b 02:TunCapLow,02:TunRangeOut: This reader needs to be retuned. This will be checked during the next site visit. 12/29/2011 13:51 Rclark@b 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: These alarms are due to VFD noise. Clearing TASS. 12/28/2011 07:16 Rclark@b 02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: These alarms were generated due to VFD noise. 12/27/2011 07:05 Rclark@b 02:VTTFailed: Noted 12/24/2011 12:04 scottl@b 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:NoSync,03:RdrToMaster,03:VTTFailed: Site needs tuned or channel is not watered up 12/21/2011 10:04 Scott_Li The channel water back up at 0900 hrs on 12/21/11 12/21/2011 08:53 Scott_Li Per Kevin at JHE, the VFDs in the mechanical bldg were turned off as they were only on during some initial testing of the intake valves, etc.. The VFDs will remain off until further testing is required. This means that the VFD could be ran at random when required so we should expect to see periodic intermittent interference on the transceivers. It is still unclear at this point the status of the channel, have a call in Chris B. will update when more information is available. No remote communication to the site platforms is available at this time. The PC's are behind the general contractors wireless router therefore no VPN connection. It will remain this way until Charter communications relocates the fiber to the comms room in the mechanical bldg. 12/19/2011 07:12 scottl@b 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:NoSync,03:RdrToMaster,03:VTTFailed: Alarms due to high noise in the system created by VFD's. A solution to the problem is in the works. Alarms will not be further acknowledged. 12/18/2011 08:44 alan@bay 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: Noted. 12/17/2011 09:46 alan@bay 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: Noted. 12/16/2011 07:25 darren@b 01:TunCapHigh,01:TunRangeOut,01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: PSMFC is aware of and is addressing solutions for the current noise levels that are present on the systems. 12/15/2011 07:43 Troy@bay 01:TunCapHigh,01:TunRangeOut,01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:NoSync,03:RdrToM aster,03:VTTFailed: PSMFC is aware of the noise issue and is working with the project to try and eliminate this problem. 12/14/2011 07:55 alan@bay 01:TunCapHigh,01:TunRangeOut,01:VTTFailed,02:NoSync,02:RdrToMaster,02:VTTF ailed,03:NoSync,03:RdrToMaster,03:VTTFailed: Alarms are due to facility operations. 12/13/2011 08:37 alan@bay 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: Alarms are due to facility operations. 12/13/2011 07:21 Scott_Li As indicated by the timer tag and TASS reports, the project obviously started up some equipment that has induced an extreme amount of noise into the PIT tag system. Have a call into the project to get more information. 12/08/2011 07:13 darren@b 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: Alarms will be investigated during the next site visit. 12/01/2011 08:19 alan@bay 02:TunCapLow,02:TunRangeOut,02:VTTFailed: Noted 11/30/2011 10:16 Scott_Li Manually submitted delinquent data files from JFF11306.D1 to LFF11314.B1 in compressed folders containing 50 files per zipped package. The data feed for this site should be online tomorrow , 12-1-11 and the automated upload process will be engaged at this time. 11/08/2011 07:22 Troy@bay 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: This site is still under construction. 11/07/2011 09:40 Scott_Li Manually submitted delinquent data files 285.E1 through 306.C1. Will continue to manually submit data on a periodic basis until the network connection can be installed into the mechanical bldg. We are currently working on this relocation. 10/12/2011 13:26 Rclark@b 01:VTTFailed,02:VTTFailed,03:VTTFailed: The VTT failed errors are due to unresolved noise issues caused by the VFDs. 10/12/2011 13:25 Rclark@b 01:TunCapHigh,01:TunRangeOut,01:TuningFailed,02:NoSync,02:RdrToMaster,03:N oSync,03:RdrToMaster: These errors were created by PSMFC personal during reader firmware update. 10/01/2011 07:58 alan@bay 01:TunCapLow,01:TunRangeOut,01:VTTFailed,02:NoSync,02:RdrToMaster,02:TunCa pHigh,02:TunRangeOut,02:VTTFailed,03:NoSync,03:RdrToMaster,03:VTTFailed: Old data, clearing TASS. 09/23/2011 07:34 Darren The MUX transceiver was replaced on 9-21-11 with Three 2020 transceivers, and the platform was installed. We are currently still in a non production mode for the site, although we are collecting data to Minimon we have no internet connection available, so we will be submitting files manually when we can. The last file from the mux buffer was uploaded today 9-23-11. we will notify everyone when the site is placed into a O&M production mode. 09/05/2011 13:05 doug@bay TASS has been configured to process FS2020 messages from LFF. Awating arrival of first actual interrogation file. 09/05/2011 13:01 doug@bay 03:TunCapHigh,03:TunRangeOut,03:TuningFailed,03:VTTFailed: This is a test, using mock data in TASS LFF.archive. -Doug- 08/19/2011 09:56 Scott_Li On 8/17/11 at @ 1:30 DST, PTAGIS personnel initiated PIT tag detection on the 3 slot antennas in the fish way channel.. Although there are a lot of loose ends to tie up regarding the completion of the PIT tag system, we have temporarily deployed a Destron Fearing FS-1001M (Multiplexing transceiver) that will time and date stamp any PIT tag that might be detected. In the interim, PTAGIS will periodically check the transceivers buffer for any valid PIT tags and manually submit the data to the PTAGIS database. ####End of Event Log for LFF###