EVENT LOG FOR SITE ICL Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 01/06/2012 11:04 Nicole Ben sends the following: ICL shut down due to low power on 12/10. The cause of the power issue is unknown. Access to the site was limited due to ice dams forming on the river, so the site could not be accessed until 12/21. WDFW brought an electrician to the site to help diagnose the power issue. Power was checked on all legs feeding the site and power to the charger was switched to the highest voltage leg. WDFW also swapped out the charger and battery switcher in attempt to remedy the power issues. The MUX was down and did not record any data from 12/10 at 20:26 until 12/21 at 17:20. 12/16/2011 13:33 Ben ICL interrogation site shut down due to low power sometime between 10/12 and 10/24. The GFCI outlet installed on the site failed and shutdown power to the site. The MUX reset when powered down and reset all parameters and lost all data back to the previous download on 10/12. The MUX did not report a lithium battery failure, however all data was still lost. The MUX lost data from 10/12 at 10:21 to 10/24 at 17:03. The MUX shutdown again sometime between 10/25 and 11/19. The cause of the low power could not be determined. The battery switcher was replaced in attempt to remedy the problem. The MUX reset when powered down and reset all parameters and lost all data back to the previous download on 10/24. The MUX did not report a lithium battery failure, however all data was still lost. The MUX lost data from 10/25 at 15:20 to 11/19 at 03:20. The MUX shutdown again sometime between 11/21 and 11/29. The cause of the low power could not be determined. The MUX reset when powered down and reset all parameters and lost all data back to the previous download on 11/21. The MUX did not report a lithium battery failure, however all data was still lost. The lithium battery was replaced in attempt to remedy the problem. The MUX lost data from 11/21 at 11:21 to 11/29 at 20:56. Ben Truscott 10/10/2011 15:31 Ben Lower Icicle Creek Interrogation site (ICL) operational as of 09/08/2011. Site is not yet equipped with a modem for remote access and data acquisition, and access to site is limited. Data uploads will occur bimonthly until site is equipped with modem. 10/07/2011 09:39 Nicole Initial event log entry for new site ICL. Todd Miller is the data steward (todd.miller@dfw.wa.gov). Ben Truscott is the technical point of contact (ben.truscott@dfw.wa.gov). ####End of Event Log for ICL###