EVENT LOG FOR SITE CLP The first line of each entry contains a date/time stamp & who is reporting. The most recent entry is listed first. Date Time Who ---------- ----- -------- 07/01/2013 12:33 Tim Interrogation Event Log for Coulter Pond 2013 Location code: CLP .A0 and .B0 systems were installed on 3/29. Coho pre-smolts were transferred to the pond on 4/1. Volitional release began on 5/9 and concluded on 6/7. There were no interruptions in data collection during the spring season. Both interrogation systems were taken out of the field at the completion of release. Tim Jeffris jeft@yakamafish-nsn.gov Fisheries Biologist YN Mid-Columbia Coho (509) 548-9413 - Office (509) 860-1805 - Cell (509) 548-2118 - Fax 01/02/2013 00:00 PTOC_Bot Annual log file initiation for CLP #### End of Event Log for CLP ###