EVENT LOG FOR SITE CLJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 06/28/2004 15:56 Alan This is a test message sent from the ‘legacy’ web interface. It should be deposited in the top-level directory of the CLJ Events forum. 06/07/2004 09:44 Dave IDFG informs us that the Clearwater Trap was not returned to service following suspension of operations on May 19 due to high flows. Trapping and interrogation operations at CLJ have been terminated for the 2004 season. 05/21/2004 15:53 Putnam,S Trapping was discontinued on 05/19/04 at16:30 due to high flows. Operations will resume if conditions improve. 05/16/2004 11:01 Putnam,S THE CLEARWATER SMOLT TRAP RESUMED TRAPPING ON 05/13/04 AT 17:00. 05/06/2004 10:21 Putnam,S Trapping was suspended on 05/03/04 due to high flows and debris. 04/25/2004 13:19 Putnam,S The Clearwater River smolt trap was restarted at 1030 on April 25, 2004. 04/20/2004 13:45 Putnam,S The Clearwater River smolt trap was pulled at 1530 on 4/19/04 to allow the Dworshak steelhead released to pass. They will release Monday through Thursday. The trap will restart on 04/25/04. 04/05/2004 17:31 Putnam,S The Clearwater River smolt trap resumed trapping on April 4, 2004, at 11:00. 03/31/2004 14:09 Putnam,S Trapping was suspended on 03/31/04 to avoid intercepting the large number of fish being released from Dworshak National Fish Hatchery. Trapping will resume once these fish have passed. 03/09/2004 13:05 Putnam,S The Clearwater River Smolt Trap was started on 03/07/04. 01/01/2004 11:59 Dave Initialized new event log for 2004. 2003 event log has been archived. ####End of Event Log for CLJ###