EVENT LOG FOR SITE CLJ Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time & who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What -------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 06/24/2002 06:00 SALTRP TRAPPING WAS COMPLETED ON 5/19/02 FOR THE SEASON. 05/19/2002 21:06 SALTRP Trapping was suspended on 5/19/02, at 16:00, due to rising flows. Operations will resume when/if conditions improve. 04/28/2002 19:54 SALTRP The Clearwater River smolt trap resumed trapping 4/28/2002 at 13:30. 04/08/2002 19:08 SALTRP Trapping was suspended on 4/7/02 due to high amounts of large woody debris. Operations will resume once conditions improve. 03/31/2002 19:33 SALTRP Trapping operations were restarted at 13:30 on March 31, 2002. 03/28/2002 07:25 SALTRP Trapping operations were suspended 3/27/02 because Dworshak National Fish Hatchery began their smolt releases. CLJ cannot support such a large increase in fish numbers. 03/17/2002 19:55 SALTRP Trap operations resumed on 3/17/2002. 03/16/2002 21:10 SALTRP Trapping was suspended on March 15 due to excessively high non-target coho salmon catch rates. 03/16/2002 17:19 SALTRP Trapping operations resumed on 3/14/2002 at 15:00 PST. 03/13/2002 18:57 SALTRP The Clearwater River smolt trap suspended operations on March 12, 2002, due to high amounts of debris. Trapping will resume when conditions improve. 03/13/2002 18:53 SALTRP The Clearwater River smolt trap (located near Lewiston, ID) started operation on March 11, 2002. 03/11/02 09:45 carters\ Initial log creation for CLJ ####End of Event Log for CLJ###