EVENT LOG FOR SITE BO2 Most recent activity to be listed first. First line of each entry lists date, time and who is reporting. Subsequent lines of each entry aligned under Time column. Do not use tabs, only spaces. Date Time Who What ---------- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 12/22/2004 14:04 Troy A GMC was performed 12/22/04. All transcievers were checked for tune and no problems were found. 12/03/2004 08:27 alan@ruf 0A:Overrun,0A:TestTagFailure,10:LowExcCurrent,10:Overrun,10:TestTagFailure : These alarms were created by PTAGIS Field Operations personel during a site visit. 12/02/2004 13:44 Alan_Bro A GMC was performed 12/2/2004. All transceivers were tuned. Transceivers 10 and 0A (the overunners) were unresponsive at their keypads. I adjusted the sensitivity and EQ as well as tuning and timer tags on both transceivers and all is well. No other problems found. 12/02/2004 08:20 darren@r 0A:Overrun,10:Overrun: Problems will be addressed today (12-2-04) by PSMFC personnel. 11/30/2004 08:24 alan@ruf 10:Overrun: PSMFC is aware of the alarms on this detection system and will address them on the next site visit. 11/29/2004 08:39 darren@r 10:Overrun: This detection system will be addressed during the next site visit. The system is still detecting PITtag data. 11/27/2004 08:04 darren@r 10:Overrun: PSMFC is aware of the alarms on this detection system and will address them on the next site visit. 11/26/2004 07:34 darren@r 10:Overrun: This detection system is currently in an "overrun" condition. The file size is not exceeding 60Kb and the system is firing it's timer tag and is capable of reading PITtag's. PSMFC will address this system on the next site visit. 11/25/2004 08:34 darren@r 10:Overrun: This transceiver is reporting an abundance of "overrun" conditions. I will monitor the file sizes and if they are getting to large I will place this transceiver into "standby" until PSMFC can get on site to troubleshoot this detection system. The PITtag volume is currently very low. 11/24/2004 10:13 Alan_Bro Regarding the file gap from 09:00 - 13:25 on 11/23/2004, Jon Thomas and Tammy Mackey both called to report an inadvertent power outage 11/23/2004 at ~13:30:00 in the PIT Tag room. The operator failed to notify us that he was going to cycle an OCB, but will do so in the future. Jon didn't rule out another event occurring prior to 09:00:00. 11/24/2004 08:19 darren@r 10:Overrun: This system will be investigated on the next site visit. 11/23/2004 16:28 Alan_Bro It appears as though a power event occurred 11-23-2004 ~08:30:00 lasting until 13:30:00. I have left messages for site personnel to confirm this. PC2 was able to create BO204328.C2. That file was manually submitted. Both PCS recovered and are operational. More information forthcoming as it becomes available. -----Original Message----- From: pittag@psmfc.org [mailto:pittag@psmfc.org] Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 3:15 PM To: sitemaint@psmfc.org Subject: Problems with remote data sites... The following problems with remote sites were detected; bo2: Last data submission was received on Tue Nov 23 6:02:19 PST 2004 Please check this out. 11/17/2004 13:23 scottl Performed GMC, all transcievers where retuned and calibrated. Noticed that at BO3 transcievers tune had drifted considerabley due to not having the NPO style caps on the analog boards. succesfully removed over 100 meat eating spiders from inside transceiver enclosure doors.. 11/11/2004 12:38 dlwarf@r 10:Overrun: Noted. 11/03/2004 08:14 darren@r 10:Overrun: This detection system is reporting sparratic "overrun" conditions which may be attributed to a slight shift in tuning. The detection system will be inspected and serviced on the next site visit. 11/02/2004 08:08 darren@r 10:Overrun: There is no direct indication in the "raw" file as to this alarm. PSMFC will monitor for future alarms and check this detection system on the next site visit. 10/28/2004 09:04 Alan_Bro Examination of the recently retired BO2-PC1 shows no data available to fill the ~6 hour hole on 10-25-2004. When the new PC1 was configured I inadvertently left transceiver 01 out of the configuration. It was added in at 8:45 10-28-2004 via PCAnywhere and operation has been verified. One fish went through the ladder in the last 24 hours and luckily was seen in all weirs. USACE EE Jon Thomas confirmed a power event occurred on 10-25-2004. 10/27/2004 12:23 Alan_Bro PC1 was replaced and put into service at approximately 12:15 10-27-2004. Auto upload has been discontinued on PC2. A GMC was performed, all transceivers were tuned, no problems found. 10/26/2004 12:37 Alan_Bro It appears PC1 has failed. Dean Ballinger reported that PC1 was powered down when he got to the BO2 PIT Tag room at about 11:30 10-26-2004. More than likely a power failure occurred about 10:30 and lasted until about 14:58 on 10-25-2004, we are trying to confirm this. PC2 came back online and created interrogation files properly. Files BO204299.E2, BO204299.F2, BO204299.G2, BO204300.A2, BO204300.B2 and BO204300.C2 were submitted manually and it has been set to auto-upload interrogation files. BO204299.D2 was not available on PC2. PC1 will be replaced tomorrow, 10-27-2004. 10/26/2004 08:06 Alan_Bro I'm investigating why the site has not loaded files since yesterday. 10/15/2004 08:11 alan@ruf 0C:HighTemp: Alarm noted. 10/12/2004 08:28 darren@r 0C:HighTemp: This alarm could be generated byt the fact that the sun has shifted and we are getting more direct sunlighton the surface of the enclosures. PSMFCis aware of this situation. 10/08/2004 08:09 troy@ruf 0C:HighTemp: Alarm noted, will monitor for future occurences. 10/05/2004 08:13 alan@ree 03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp,05:HighTemp,06:HighTemp,08:HighTemp,0B:HighTemp,0C :HighTemp: Alarms noted. 10/04/2004 08:23 Scott_Li Noticed that the site had not loaded since midnight. PCA'd onto primary computer and pushed files to PTAGIS. Big brother indicates that some sort of failure occurred between 3,4 and 7 am this morning. Lights are green at this point. 10/04/2004 08:23 darren@r 03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp,05:HighTemp,06:HighTemp,07:HighTemp,08:HighTemp,0B :HighTemp,0C:HighTemp: Alarm were probably due to direct sunlight. The ambient outside temperature was not that high but we have more direct sunlight on the stainless steel enclosures. 10/03/2004 08:59 troy@ree 03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp,05:HighTemp,08:HighTemp,0C:HighTemp: This site has seen these high temps in the past. Yesterday was a rather warm fall day. These enclosures are directly in the sun and are more suseptable to high temp alarms. 09/28/2004 11:33 Alan_Bro A GMC was performed 9/28/2004. The transceiver enclosures are in direct sunlight. They have some heat built up inside although the ambient temperature outside is cool. The timer tag on transceiver 0B was adjusted. No problems found. 09/28/2004 08:05 darren@r 01:HighTemp,02:HighTemp,03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp,05:HighTemp,06:HighTemp,07 :HighTemp,08:HighTemp,0B:HighTemp,0C:HighTemp,0E:HighTemp,0F:HighTemp: These alarms appear to have been caused by the brief high temperatures or by the increase in direct sunlight at this site. If this increase in temperature is caused by direct sunlight we see another situation like this for tomorrow. The highest temperature I viewed in the status reports was 55C. We will watch for future alarms or repercussions from this temperature rise. 09/25/2004 09:33 alan@ruf 03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp,05:HighTemp,06:HighTemp,07:HighTemp,08:HighTemp,0B :HighTemp,0C:HighTemp: The high yesterday was 75 degrees F. PTAGIS Field Operations will continue to monitor. 09/25/2004 09:27 alan@ree 0B:TestTagFailure: This antenna appears to be in good working order. This alarm could possibly be due to a PIT Tagged fish in the vicinity. 09/24/2004 09:00 alan@ruf 0B:TestTagFailure: No apparent for this alarm. It is reading timer tags and PIT Tags. PTAGIS Field Operations will address this on the next site visit. 09/21/2004 08:18 alan@ruf 0B:TestTagFailure: This antenna appears to have slightly drifted out of tune. It is reading timer tags and PIT Tags. PTAGIS Field Operations will address this on the next site visit. 09/14/2004 13:47 Darren A site GMC was performed today (9-14-04). All transceivers were checked for noiuse and tuning. No problems were found. 09/03/2004 08:18 darren@r 09:TestTagFailure: There was no direct cause for this failure. PSMFC will investigate the hit rate on this transceiver on the next site visit. 09/01/2004 12:24 Alan A GMC was performed 9/1/2004. All transceivers were tuned. The timer tag on antenna 09 was adjusted in hopes of eliminating the recent rash of timer tag alarms. 08/31/2004 08:15 alan@ruf 09:TestTagFailure: No apparent reason for this alarm. This antenna is reading PIT Tags and timer tags and appears to be in tune. PTAGIS Field Operations will continue to monitor. 08/24/2004 12:42 Alan PC1 is back online and submitting files. Scandisk showed a bad sector in an unused area. PTAGIS Field Operations will continue to monitor the situation. 08/24/2004 09:41 Alan PC1 is having hard disc troubles. PC2 is now submitting files automatically while PC1 is being restored. I manually submitted BO204236.F9, BO204236.G2, BO204236.H2, BO204237.A1, BO204237.B1 and BO204237.C1. BO204236.F9 is a file created from BO204236.F2 with data prior to 17:00 removed in order to fill that data gap created during this process. More information will be posted when it is available. 08/23/2004 08:59 Darren I PCA'd into the site and manually pushed the files (22) to Portland. I did not deeply investigate the cause fo the file submission failure. PSMFC will monitor for future loads to ensure that automation is correct. 08/21/2004 12:36 scottl_l The site had not loaded since 04233.d. Was unsucessful while trying to PCA into PC1. Was able to get into PC2 and verify data collection. Alittle confused as to why the recent interrogation files recieved directory has PC2 data files starting on day 232. For whatever reason I could not access the Event log in order to clarfiy what has transpired in the past few day's... Bottom line, will monitor and manually push files from PC2 if necessary and continue to try and access PC1 through out the weekend. PTAGIS personell will be on site Monday to address this problem if required. 08/20/2004 13:03 Darren I was on-site to repair the communications with the antenna/detection system for 02 on PC1. I replaced the expansion chassis for PC1 and restored the communications for said detection system. I tested the communications from PC1, PC2 as well as from the transceiver. All checks were good. I restored the file submission from PC1. I also did a site GMC while I was here. 08/19/2004 09:13 Darren Because of the lack of communications with the detection system for antenna 02 I switched the PC that is submitting files from PC1 to PC2 until tomorrow when PSMFC will be on-site to rectify the problem with either the expansion chassis or the rocketport card/"Y" cable. Once the problem has been solved I will re-establish the file submission from PC1. 08/19/2004 08:21 darren@r 09:TestTagFailure: This alarm may have been caused by PSMFC personnel while on-site during some troubleshooting of communication problems. 08/17/2004 15:52 Darren I was on-site today (8-17-04) to exchange transceiver 02, which we had suspected to be without power. When I arrived I found that there was power to the transceiver and it was detecting PITtag's as well as the timer tag. I went into the pittag room and found the utility PC running in a "Safe Mode" which indicated that there may have been some issues with the power sometime last week. I sent a command from PC2 to the transceiver on antenna 02 to fire the timer tag, I received the tag code on PC2 but not on PC1. I rebooted PC1 thinking that it may have been locked up in some fashion, but still no communications with antenna 02 (port 04). I then began testing the "Y" cable for that port but it checked out fine. I then removed the connection to the expansion chassis from PC1 and reapplied the connection. I then regained communications with transceiver 02 (port 04), I tested by sending commands from both PC1 and PC2 as well as placing a tag in the feild at the transceiver all tests worked correctly. The problems, if there were any, with the power may have caused a problem with the expansion chassis. We will monitor this site for failures of this nature. The time gap on PC1 was during the re-booting process at which time there were no PITtag detections on PC2. 08/16/2004 08:36 darren@r 0C:HighTemp: This transceiver will be addressed tomorrow during on-site work with the High-Q antenna. 08/16/2004 08:31 Darren_C It appears that the transceiver for antenna 02 has failed. The timer tag has not fired and there is no status report since Friday morning. PSMFC will replace this transceiver tomorrow when we are on-site working on the High- Q antenna. Darren R. Chase PSMFC Systems Engineer (509) 735-2773 ext.3 08/16/2004 08:28 Darren It appears that the transceiver for antenna 02 has failed. It will be replaced tomorrow while PSMFC is on-site working on the High-Q antenna. There is no indication as to what may have failed, more than likely it is the power supply. 08/14/2004 09:28 scottl Timer tag on coil 02 has not been firing but the antenna has been detecting fish. Will correct on the next visit. 08/10/2004 08:03 scottl@r 01:HighTemp,02:HighTemp,03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp,05:HighTemp,06:HighTemp,07 :HighTemp,08:HighTemp,0B:HighTemp,0C:HighTemp,0E:HighTemp: These high temp alarms are typical for this site at this time year. 08/03/2004 11:09 darren@r 09:TestTagFailure: No direct cause for this faliure. The timer tag is firing on a consistant basis since. PSMFC will check this transceiver on the next site visit. 07/29/2004 08:35 alan@ruf 0B:TestTagFailure: No apparent reason for this alarm. PTAGIS Field Operations will continue to monitor. 07/29/2004 08:35 troy@ruf 09:TestTagFailure,0B:TestTagFailure: A GMC has been performed since the 0B failure. The 09 failures were caused by the GMC. 07/27/2004 12:44 Darren A site GMC was performed today (7-27-04). All transceivers were checked for tuning and noise. No problems were found. 07/25/2004 10:03 alan@ree 0C:HighTemp: Alarm noted. 07/24/2004 08:37 alan@ruf 01:HighTemp,02:HighTemp,03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp,05:HighTemp,06:HighTemp,07 :HighTemp,08:HighTemp,0B:HighTemp,0C:HighTemp,0E:HighTemp,0F:HighTemp: Alarms noted. 07/23/2004 08:08 dlwarf@r 01:HighTemp,02:HighTemp,03:HighTemp,04:HighTemp,05:HighTemp,06:HighTemp,07 :HighTemp,08:HighTemp,0B:HighTemp,0C:HighTemp,0E:HighTemp: Alarms noted. 07/13/2004 08:33 alan@ruf 03:LowExcCurrent: This coil appears to be functioning properly. The exciter is putting out 4A and the alarm threshold is set to 4A. PTAGIS Kennewick will be onsite and rectify this problem tomorrow. 07/12/2004 10:17 Darren Jon Thomas called and told me he had located the problem. The power supply for the singlemode to multimode fiber converter had either fallen out or was inadvertently unplugged. He restored the power supply and I PCA'd into the site to verify data collection. The files had uploaded on their own. I verified that the in the received but not loaded folder and there does not appear to be any file gaps. 07/12/2004 09:18 Darren_C After talking with John Thomas from Bonneville, I found that there was a power outage on Friday and that EC electric was on-site to perform some work on the fiber optic communications for the new high "Q" test building. John Thomas is investigating the direct cause for the loss of communications, it could be as simple as a fiber pair that was re-installed backwards. He will let me know as soon as he checks the AFF and the CV5 patch panel at PH2. I am also in the process of having Dean Ballinger or someone from his office verify Data Collection at BO2. Dave Marvin was on-site Friday and verified Data Collection. I will post the findings as soon as I hear from Jon Thomas. Darren R. Chase PSMFC Systems Engineer (509) 735-2773 ext.3 07/12/2004 08:56 Darren_C After reading Dave Marvin's e-mail I called and talked with him. He explained that he actually cycled the power at Cascade Island's Network interface panel and not at the main hub at BO3. He said that he was unable to establish communications. This happened once before the cause was a bad power supply for the singlemode to multimode fiber converter which resides in PH2. I am sure that someone from the Kennewick office will be on-site Monday to investigate. He explained that the platform (all three computers) were indeed running and collecting Data. It is possible that something happened in the Powerhouse on Friday morning and COE personnel were unaware that are communications were affected. Darren R. Chase PSMFC Systems Engineer (509) 735-2773 ext.3 07/10/2004 18:42 Darren I spoke with Dave M. after receiving his e-mail message about BO2 and the communication problems that were encountered on Friday. He tried cycling the power in the network interface panel at BO2 upon Carter and Willie's request but that did not solve the problem. He did verify that all computers were running and collecting data. This has happened in the past and it turned out that a power supply (wall wart) for the singlemode to multimode converter which is located in PH2 had failed. I tried to post this message at 11:00 this morning from the office but PSMFC Kennewick is experiencing problems with it's ISP. We had an outage in the area on Thursday so this could be something they are fixing on the weekend. Dave is assured that the platform is collecting Data and there will be no data lost. PSMFC personnel will be on-site on Monday to rectify the situation. 07/10/2004 09:11 Dave We last received data from BO2 at 9:00 AM yesterday, July 9. At 1:30 pm, I noticed that Big Brother indicated that both BO2 MiniMon PCs and the Utility machine were not 'pingable'. The situation had not changed by 4:30 PM. I arrived at Bonneville at 6:00 PM, and found all BO2 computers to be up and running. There was no indication of a power outage. Todd and Carter suggested I cycle the power on the network hub. I found three network-related devices in the Hoffman box, and turned all of them off and back on (twice). I was still unable to make an Internet connection outside of BO2. I'm not smart enough to trouble shoot the situation past this point. BO2 data collection does not seem to be impaired. All other Bonneville PTAGIS computer platforms are communicating normally. 07/10/2004 08:59 Darren I will try to PCA into site and get the files that are missing and see what is going on with the system. 07/10/2004 08:36 darren@r 0B:TestTagFailure: There was no direct cause for the failure. Transceiver will be checked out on next site visit. 07/06/2004 09:33 alan@ruf 0B:TestTagFailure: No apparent reason for this failure. PTAGIS Kennewick will continue to monitor. 07/01/2004 13:06 Alan A GMC was performed 7/1/2004. All transceivers were tuned, no problems found. 06/25/2004 10:09 scott Performed GMC, all transceivers were checked for tune and recalibrated as necessary. System clocks are within 1 sec of each other. 06/21/2004 08:15 alan@ree 04:Overrun: These alarms could have been caused by the transceiver being slightly out of tune, which could be due to the ambiant temperature heating up. PTAGIS Kennewick will investigate further on the next site visit. 06/21/2004 08:12 darren@r 04:Overrun: The count of 12 overrun alarms is an accumulative numberfrom the weekend. There were only 2 overrun alarms in this file. The transceiver needs to tuned a little. We will be onsite this week for site GMC's and will address this transceiver at that time. 06/17/2004 08:26 darren@r 0E:LowExcCurrent: 0E:LowExcCurrent: Alarm was gnerated by PSMFC personnel while performing a site GMC. 06/17/2004 08:26 darren@r 0E:LowExcCurrent: Alarm was gnerated by PSMFC personnel while performing a site GMC. 06/16/2004 12:22 Alan A GMC was performed 6/16/2004. All transceivers were tuned, no problems found. 06/13/2004 16:35 alan@ree 0B:TestTagFailure: No apparent reason for this alarm. PTAGIS Kennewick will continue to monitor. 06/10/2004 10:08 Alan This is a test message sent from the ‘legacy’ web interface. It should be deposited in the top-level directory of the BO2 Events forum. 06/09/2004 08:36 troy@ree 0C:LowExcCurrent: Alarm generated by PTOC personnel during a site GMC. 06/08/2004 11:16 Troy A site GMC was performed today. All transceivers were checked for tune and no problems were found. 06/05/2004 03:38 alan@ree 01:TestTagFailure,02:LowExcCurrent,02:TestTagFailure,03:BadExcFreq,03:BadO scFreq,03:LowExcCurrent,03:Overrun,03:TestTagFailure,04:LowExcCurrent,04:O verrun,04:TestTagFailure,05:TestTagFailure,06:TestTagFailure,07:TestTagFai lure,08:TestTagFailure,09:LowExcCurrent,09:TestTagFailure,0A:LowExcCurrent ,0A:TestTagFailure,0B:LowExcCurrent,0B:TestTagFailure,0C:TestTagFailure,0D :LowExcCurrent,0D:TestTagFailure,0E:TestTagFailure,0F:TestTagFailure,10:Te stTagFailure: These alarms were all generated by PTAGIS Kennewick personel during the analog board swap. 06/04/2004 14:21 Alan The analog boards with their new NPO caps have been reinstalled in 15 of the transceivers. The analog board destined for transceiver 03 has issues with driving the antenna, locking up the CPU, and will be returned to Destron for evaluation and repair. An interim analog board has been installed in that transceiver. All transceivers are tuned. No other problems found. 06/01/2004 08:33 darren@r 08:TestTagFailure: There is no direct cause for the timer tag failure. The timer tag is firing on it's scheduled intervals. PSMFC will monitor this transceiver and check for hit rates on the next site visit. 05/27/2004 13:06 Darren A site GMC was performed. All transceivers were checked for noise and tuning. No problems were found. 05/27/2004 11:29 darren@r 08:TestTagFailure: PSMFC personnel will check this alarm condition out today during the site GMC. We will check the hit rate for this given timer tag. Judging from the exciter report and raw file it appears that this transceiver is in tune and is reading tags with acceptable efficiencies. 05/25/2004 08:47 darren@r 05:BadExcFreq: We have been seing this alarm occasionally. It may caused by soem internal arcing or intermitten ambient noise. It has not affected the efficiency of the detectability . PSMFC will check all things above the water and monitor for an increase in this alarm. 05/23/2004 09:22 troy@ruf 05:BadExcFreq: This will be checked at the next GMC. 05/22/2004 07:25 troy@ree 05:BadExcFreq: This alarm will be checked on the next GMC. The tranceiver is still reading fish. 05/21/2004 08:17 alan@ruf 08:LowExcCurrent: This alarm was generated by PTAGIS Kennewick personel during a site visit. 05/20/2004 14:45 scott Performed GMC, all transcievers were checked for tune and calibration. No problems to report. 05/20/2004 08:28 darren@r 05:BadExcFreq: There does not appear to be any direct cause for this alarm. It has been an ongoing alarm through this year and PSMFC has been unable to pinpoint the cause. The detection system has been performing with high efficiencies all year. This may caused by some internal problem that cannot be seen or detected, we will continue to monitor this systems performance for any decline in efficiency. 05/18/2004 08:20 darren@r 05:BadExcFreq: This coil will be checked during the next site GMC. There was no direct cause for the "BadExcFreq" alarm. 05/17/2004 08:14 darren@r 05:BadExcFreq: There does not seem to be any substantial cause for this alarm. PSMFC will continue to monitor for this alarm and check this transceiver on the next site visit. 05/15/2004 10:00 dlwarf@r 05:BadExcFreq: Caused by GMC tuning. 05/14/2004 12:24 Alan A GMC was performed 5/14/2004. All transceivers were tuned. I adjusted the exciter voltage up slightly on transceiver 05 in an effort to stop the bad exciter frequency errors, but frankly, it looked fine during this site visit. PTAGIS Kennewick will continue to monitor. No problems found. 05/09/2004 09:09 alan@ree 05:BadExcFreq: No apparent reason for this alarm. The status report for this unit indicates the transciever is functioning and detecting fish. PTAGIS Kennewick will look into this problem on the next site visit if not sooner. 05/07/2004 08:49 alan@ree 05:BadExcFreq: No apparent reason for this alarm. PTAGIS Kennewick will continue to monitor. 05/06/2004 08:04 scottl@r 05:BadExcFreq: The status report for this unit indicates the transcievers functioning and detecting fish, will look into this problem on the next site visit if not sooner. 05/04/2004 09:03 Darren A site GMC was performed yesterday. All transcveivers were tuned and checked for noise. No problems were found. 05/02/2004 10:52 darren@r 05:BadExcFreq: Site will be visited on Monday for a GMC. All transceivers will checked for tune and noise. 05/01/2004 08:17 darren@r 05:BadExcFreq: SIte is scheduled to be visited on Monday for a GMC. The exciter report indicates that the transceivers is working properly but this alarm will checked on Monday. 04/27/2004 08:10 alan@ree 05:BadExcFreq: No apparent reason for this alarm. PTAGIS Kennewick will continue to monitor. 04/12/2004 08:18 alan@ruf 05:BadOscFreq: No apparent reason for the bad osc. All indications are that this transceiver is working properly. PTAGIS Kennewick will continue to monitor. 04/06/2004 08:47 Troy A site GMC was performed. PC1 was set to 'shutdown' in case power was lost. This was resolved by setting it to 'restart' and rebooting the machine at about 12:30 PST. PC2's minimon application was stopped and started. No other problems were found. 04/05/2004 08:11 darren@r 08:TestTagFailure: Site will be checked today during a GMC. 04/02/2004 11:42 Alan There is a 7 hour 3 minute file gap from 6:00 to 13:03 on 3/31/2004 due to the power outage. Files BO204091.D2-G2, and BO204092.A2-C2 from PC2 were submitted manually. File BO204092.D2 was manually edited, renamed BO204092.D29 and manually submitted to PTAGIS. It was shortened to fill the time between PC2's automated file change and Dean's revival of PC1. 04/01/2004 10:27 Don_Warf Dean Ballenger found PC1 turned off. We will be investigating further and will check the PC to see that it is properly configured to reboot after a power outage. The PC was turned back on at 10:09 PST. PC2 was periodically checked during PC1's downtime to make sure data was being collected. At this time we believe no data was lost. The file gap will be filled later today. More later... 04/01/2004 09:16 Darren PSMFC Kennewick has contacted Dean Ballinger and is in the process of having Dean check the status of PC1 at this site. We will post the findings when the situation has been resolved. 03/31/2004 16:13 Darren I received the "problems with remote data" alert and checked into BO2. I found that I was unable to PCA into PC1 but was able to get into PC2, it showed that the sessions started at 13:03 on 3-31-04. I checked the Data directory and found that there was a .tmp file that was started at 06:00 but never closed. I phoned Tammy Mackey and she confirmed that power was turned off because of some work in the area, the times could not be verified however. I have tried to contact Dean Ballinger to try to get someone to check PC1 for Data collection, PC2 is collecting data and I will wait to see if PC1 regains network communications if not Tammy Mackey said she would be able to help via the phone. 03/16/2004 11:44 Alan I submitted BO204075.L, BO204075.K, and BO204075.M to fill a data gap created during yesterday's onsite maintenance. Coil 04 will have a duplicated timer tag firing as a result of the two minute overlap, but no fish data was duplicated. 03/15/2004 16:00 scott These 3 site interrogation platforms were upgraded this afternoon to the the new production release Minimon 1.4.4 with exception of bo3 that recieved the new release UpLoader 1.1.5. The new file extention identifier option was also implimented on MiniMon platforms,i.e., primary pc identified as .X1 and the back up pc as .X2. The SOP that was written to back fill file gaps when PC's are taken offline was also tested and followed during this upgrade. 03/15/2004 11:53 Alan A GMC was performed 3/15/2004. All transceivers were tuned. Transceiver 0D was recognizing my test stick at a signal level of 16%. The sensitivity on Transceiver 0D was turned down so that it recognized my test stick at a signal level of about 25% (like the other transceivers) in an effort to alleviate the recent spate of overrun errors. No problems found. 03/12/2004 08:05 darren@r 0D:Overrun: Transceiver will be addressed on Monday during site GMC. We will check for any outside interference. 03/11/2004 10:18 darren@r 0D:Overrun: Transceiver will be addressed on the next site visit. This condition may have been caused by some outside ambient noise. There was not an extended period of "overrun" alarms. 03/09/2004 08:18 alan@ree 0D:Overrun: No apparent reason - the overruns ocurred in a block suggesting outside interference of short duration. PTAGIS Kennewick will continue to monitor. 03/02/2004 09:13 scott Replaced Rocket port cards in both PC1 and PC2. performed general maintenance check, no problems found. FYI... PC1 was out of data collection mode for 14 mins. 9 sec. No fish data was observed on PC2 during this outage. 02/20/2004 12:42 Alan A GMC was performed 2/20/2004. All transceivers were tuned. No problems found. 02/13/2004 13:24 Scott_Li All transceivers were verified operational and confirmed that the ladder is watered up. 02/06/2004 09:03 Dave The Cascade Islands and Washington Shore fish ladders were restored to full operation on January 20, after being taken to "orifice flow" on January 16. PIT tag detection operations were not suspended while the ladders were at orifice flow. Tammy Mackey informed me that fish already in the ladders on January 16 were expected to exit, but that "new" fish were not expected to enter the ladders until flows were restored on January 20. 02/06/2004 08:21 alan@ree 01:TestTagFailure,02:TestTagFailure,03:TestTagFailure,04:TestTagFailure,05 :TestTagFailure,06:TestTagFailure,07:LowExcCurrent,07:TestTagFailure,08:Te stTagFailure,09:LowExcCurrent,09:Overrun,09:TestTagFailure,0A:LowExcCurren t,0A:TestTagFailure,0B:LowExcCurrent,0B:TestTagFailure,0C:LowExcCurrent,0C :TestTagFailure,0E:LowExcCurrent,0E:TestTagFailure,0F:LowExcCurrent,10:Low ExcCurrent,10:TestTagFailure: These alarms were caused by PTOC personnel during a site GMC. 02/05/2004 12:46 Alan A GMC was performed 2/5/2004. All transceivers were tuned. The interim analog boards from all transceivers have been installed. The analog boards assigned to BO2 are being sent back to Destron for the NPO capacitor retrofit. No Problems found. 02/05/2004 08:30 alan@ruf 01:LowExcCurrent,01:Overrun,02:LowExcCurrent,03:LowExcCurrent,04:LowExcCur rent,04:Overrun,05:LowExcCurrent,07:LowExcCurrent,08:LowExcCurrent,08:Over run: These alarms were caused by PTOC personel changing out the analog boards on the transceivers. PTOC personel are in the process of replacing all analog boards with ones that contain NPO capacitors. 01/16/2004 15:33 Scott_Li Per Tammy Mackey Due to a reported oil slick upriver of Bonneville Dam, we have taken the following actions to prevent contamination of our fishways. All juvenile bypass systems remain out of service. The AFF is out of service. All adult fishways are going to orifice flow and all AWS valves are closed. Bays 1 and 18 are closed. PH1 ice and trash sluiceway is closed. Fishways will remain at orifice flow with the exit leads such that water will come from underwater rather than the surface. Since Bradford Island is going to orifice flow on Sunday, we will leave the ladder at orifice flow all weekend. Fisheries will come in on Saturday to check ladder conditions at Washington Shore/Cascades Island to determine whether or not it is safe to bring the ladder back to full operation. Please be patient. More details will follow as soon as possible. Thank you, Tammy 01/14/2004 14:23 Alan I cleared the buffers and fine tuned the transceivers for the 2004 season. 01/14/2004 11:39 Darren Both sites were watered up yesterday at roughly 16:00. PTOC personnel will be onsite to tune all transceivers for the upcoming 2004 season. 01/12/2004 15:20 Alan I moved all data files with a Julian date of 03365 and older to c:\program files\ptagis\minimon\2003 data on both PC1 and PC2. I also set the time on both PCs to within 1 second of atomic time. 01/12/2004 14:35 Darren I was informed today (1-12-04)by Tammy Mackey that both site were not watered up, as was previously thought, last week due to the inclement weather. They are scheduled to be watered up tomorrow (1-13-04) PTOC personnel will be on site on Wednesday (1-14-04) to tune transcievers and setup the Data Collection Platform for the upcoming season. 01/12/2004 09:24 Darren_C Both sites are reporting that there is problems with the firing of the timer tags. At BO2 (Cascade Island) we are seeing an abundance of noise because the transceivers have not been tuned since the ladder watered up either Thursday or Friday of last week. At BO3 (Washington Shore) there are only a few that have not fired because of the tuning of the transceivers, the timer tag report is showing quite a few timer tags that are no longer in service at this facility, all 400 Khz equipment has been removed and so should the subsequent timer tags. We will be on site at both places today to tune and check all transceivers and timer tags. 01/09/2004 08:31 darren@r 04:LowExcCurrent,10:LowExcCurrent: Site was due to have water on Monday the 5th, but due to inclement weather they postponed this activity until later this week. I have not been able to confirm this with Tammy Mackey. PTOC personnel will be on site 1-12-04 for tuning of all transceivers. 01/06/2004 08:14 darren@r 04:LowExcCurrent,10:LowExcCurrent: Site is still currently not watered up. It is scheduled to be watered up on Wednesaday or Thursday. 01/05/2004 08:22 darren@r 04:LowExcCurrent: Site will water up the ladder today. PSMFC will be onsite for tuning and getting the platform ready for the upcoming 2004 season. 12/30/2003 22:56 Darren Both sites have had the transceivers powered on with no water in the ladder. The ladders are to be watered up on Jan. 5th. PTOC personnel will be on site shortly after to fine tune all transceivers and adjust the Data Collection Platforms for the upcoming 2004 season. 12/03/2003 10:29 Darren This site has been de-watered and the transceivers have been powered down for ladder inspections by both COE and PTOC personnel. The ladder is scheduled to be watered up on 12-22-03. The transceivers will be powered up and site tuned for the next season. 01/01/2004 12:07 Dave Initialized new event log for 2004. 2003 event log has been archived. ####End of Event Log for BO2###