On September 26, 2013, we will begin the final phase in our transition from the legacy database server and reporting system to the new database and reporting system. The changes necessary to complete this transition will all be occurring on the PTAGIS servers and should be transparent to you as data contributors and users – you will still submit data using the same methods after the transition is complete and nothing will change in the advanced reporting system.  However, we will need to pause data loading and reporting for a short time at the end of this month in order to complete the transition.

The timeline is as follows:

On September 26 we will:

  • Stop all loading of tagging data
    • You can still submit data through P3, but it will not be loaded into the database for up to 24 hours
    • Please do not submit data via email on September 26
  • Stop all loading of interrogation data from non-PTAGIS maintained sites
    • Data can still be submitted via Minimon, but it will not be loaded into the database for up to 24 hours
    • Please do not submit data via email on September 26
  • Stop all loading of interrogation data from PTAGIS-maintained sites for up to 8 hours
  • Stop pushing data to the new reporting system
  • Decommission www.ptoccentral.org
  • Disable Telnet access
  • Decommission TMT reports
  • Complete final steps to move all data loading processes to new server

On September 27 we will:

  • Start loading tagging data directly into new database
  • Start loading interrogation data from non-PTAGIS maintained sites directly into new database
  • Start validating and verifying the new data loading processes

On September 30 we will:

  • Push all data received during the pause in data loading to the new reporting system

The website and reporting system will remain online throughout the duration of this transition, but the reporting system will not be completely up to date with new data from September 26 until September 30. Please keep an eye on this section; we will post updates there prior to and during this transition.